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What is SIP? How Systematic Investment Plan Works?

SIP stands for a systematic investment plan. This is a system that allows investors to invest regularly in a scheme automatically or by ...

3 Smart and Simple Ways to Start Saving Money

In this blog post, we talk about 3 smart and simple ways you can start saving money. You can use these tips starting today and start off...

Take These Financial Steps Before the New Year

The New Year is just around the corner. It is a time to celebrate all the great things in the year while planning some goals for oneself...

How to Take Away the Stress From Saving?

Saving conjures up images of deprivation and hassle. We all have so many financial balls that we are trying to juggle at the same time –...

How To Perform a 30-Day Financial Detox

Have you ever gone on a detox? Whether it be for smoking or just eating healthy food. Detox is saying no to any habit that you wish to...

5 Spending Habits You Need to Break Right Now

We are hardwired to carry out monetary transactions every day of our lives. It can be quite difficult to overcome bad spending habits,...

What is the 50/30/20 Budget Rule?

Budgets should be about more than just paying your bills on time—the right budget can help you determine how much you should be spending,...

A Letter to All You Freelancers out There

Dear Freelancer, This blog is dedicated to you. Hats off to you! You are living your dream and charting the course of your own destiny....

6 Ways to Stop Yourself From Impulse Shopping

Impulse shopping. The thing you do when you’re having a bad day or when you’re just plain bored and need to add a dash of excitement to...

A Step-By-Step Guide on Creating a Budget

If you want to gain more control of your spending and tick off your financial goals, then creating a budget is necessary. A budget is...

3 Smart and Simple Ways to Start Saving Money.

In this blog post, we talk about 3 smart and simple ways you can start saving money. You can use these tips starting today and start off...

A Step-By-Step Guide on Creating a Budget.

If you want to gain more control of your spending and tick off your financial goals, then creating a budget is necessary. A budget is...

10 Personal Finance Myths You Shouldn't Believe.

There are some money myths which we must debunk at the earliest for effective personal finance management. Unfortunately, these fallacies...

5 Questions to Ask Before Buying Health Insurance.

One of the most important criteria for a human being's happiness is sound health. Although eating healthy food, routine exercising and...

Which One Is Smarter - Saving or Borrowing?

If you’re an avid Instagrammer, your feed is likely a collection of everyone else’s fancy vacation photos, Michelin star dinners, and the...

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