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10 Income Tax Planning Tips for Salaried Employees

It’s that time of the year again! With the financial year around the corner, all of us have started planning our tax savings. Saving...

Five Reasons Why You Should Make an Emergency Fund

Congratulations on coming so far in understanding the basics of financial wellness. If you are still not comfortable with the idea of...

Fanatic or Forced: What Type of Saver Are You?

For some of us, money slips right through our fingers the moment we have access to it. For others, we are all about saving. But we tend...

Explained: What is a Financial Detox?

It’s December again, and we are all probably planning all the good things that we are going to start doing from the next year. While...

Save For All Your Life Goals with Wizely

Kudos on having reached so far. We hope by now, you understand what are saving goals. Suppose you are still not entirely sure of the...

Introduction to Recommendations and SmartTips

Today, we are super excited to begin rolling out Financial Recommendations 🌱 & SmartTips⚡️. Over the past few months we’ve come to...

Explained: What Are ELSS Mutual Funds?

When we invest our money, we look for investment opportunities which can help us generate wealth, get regular returns and/or save taxes....

What is Financial Literacy?

Being 'financially literate' means knowing how to manage your money, but what does it mean when we say how to manage your money? This...

How to Identify Your Financial Behaviour?

Financial wellness is a pursuit of constant learning, understanding, planning and requires a great deal of disciple and dedication. We...

4 Ways How Wizely Can Help You Save More

Wizely is an app that understands your financial life and guides you on a personalised path towards financial wellness. If you haven't...

Why Saving Money Is Super Simple

Often times the thought of saving money is stressful. You've been procrastinating actually making it happen because it all seems so...

10 Steps To Improve Your Finances in 2022

It’s December already, and many of us are thinking of all the positive changes that they are going to bring into their lives in the...

10 Simple Savings Hacks to Inspire You to Save

The best time to start saving money is right now. Saving money is a habit, and the longer you form this habit, the longer it will pay...

5 Ways to Make Smart Money Choices

When it comes to money matters, even the smartest of us can make some bad money choices. From falling in love at first sight with an...

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